At the end of every year, I love taking a look back to appreciate and remember all the things I've accomplished before moving on to a new year full of new goals :) 2019 is shaping up to be a busy one—I'm hoping to publish four full-length novels and possibly 2-3 novellas! Crazy!! Before the rush begins, I want to remind myself of all the fabulous things 2018 held.
Here's a look at my "Top Nine" for 2018 from my Instagram page, @KaitlynDavisBooks!
A lot of my top moments are featured here!
There were personal celebrations—my sister's baby shower, my husband's 30th birthday, and a flashback to my first ever check from writing.
And there were professional highlights as well—Hot Pursuit went on sale, Midnight Fire and Midnight Ice both had some love, The Raven and the Dove inspiration board got lots of people hyped for the upcoming novel, and I got a pic with all 16 (!!) of my published full-length novels and some novellas too.
2018 was a GREAT year!
A huge THANK YOU to all of my amazing fans and my truly incredible family for giving me the support, encouragement, and confidence to keep following my muse and chasing all my dreams!
Here's a closer look at...
My Top Five Author Moments of 2018!

1. Shatter went on sale, completing the Midnight Ice series!
This happened alllll the way back in January, which seems like a million years ago! Writing this series was such an amazing experience full of old friends and new. I loved revisiting the original gang from Midnight Fire while at the same time falling for Pandora, Jax, and, yes, even Sam :) The final book was a wild ride that took me for a loop! Thank you to everyone who went on the adventure with me!

2. Midnight Ice got brand new covers!
Along the same lines as number one, the Midnight Ice series got brand new covers, and I decided to put all four books into Kindle Unlimited, which has been a great experience so far! I adored the original covers for the series, but they weren't quite landing the way I'd been hoping. The response to the new covers has been fabulous and I'm so happy I decided to update them. Pandora looks badass with her blue flames, the colors are bright, and they fit the series perfectly!

3. Hot Pursuit went on sale, launching my brand new To Catch a Thief series!
I'm obsessed with this series at the moment! Rom coms are just so much fun to write—I find myself goofy grinning into my keyboard all the time :) This series has all the entertainment and swoon of a romance, mixed with the action and adventure I love to write, which is a win-win all around. I can't wait for Stolen Goods to go on sale in a week!!! Off the Grid will be right around the corner, so stay tuned!

4. The A Dance of Dragons novellas were turned into paperbacks!
The A Dance of Dragons series has been published for a long time, but for some reason I never got around to formatting paperbacks for the novellas until this year! It was one of those "to do" list items that got pushed back, and back, and back, so I'm happy I finally found the time to format these editions. I love having copies of Leena's story for my bookshelf and I hope you guys do too :)

5. I published Daring & Defiant, a first-in-series anthology for my YA novels!
It's a little hard to believe I have enough YA series published that I could make an anthology of all the first books, but somehow, I do! I'd been meaning to publish a discount box set for a while, and when I found an amazing designer to create the cover, I decided to go for it! Hopefully people enjoy the easy access to all my fantasy books :)
So there you have it, my 2018 highlights!
As I said before, I have a lot planned for 2019, and I'll be sharing those highlights with you in the new year with a resolutions post! So many exciting things to come—the end of a series, the start of a new series, and the publication of a long awaited sequel!! Stay tuned :)
Since reading is also a huge part of my life, here are...
My Top Five Reads of 2018!
1. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
A beautiful portrayal of a World War II story I hadn't read before—the story of the women left behind while the men went to war. The novel follows two sisters, one young/rebellious and one a mother just praying for her family to survive. The ending made me cry! A beautiful, moving tale I highly recommend!
2. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by MacKenzi Lee
One of the most fun books I've ever read! I was laughing the entire time! There's love, adventure, pirates, alchemy, and just about everything else you can imagine. I highly recommend!
3. Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young
I think I described this as the viking love story I never knew I needed, but am so freaking happy I found! The enemies-to-lovers romance kept me glued to the pages. Pair that with lush descriptions and fascinating world-building, and I was hooked!
4. Big Sexy Love by Kirsty Greenwood
If you're looking for a romantic comedy with as much heart as it has laughs, look no further! This story had me cackling, swooning, and crying along with the protagonist. It's a romance that will stick with you long after the final page is read :)
5. The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
I'm not usually a huge fan of non-fiction, so when I find one that I literally can't put down, it's got to be good! The history of the World's Fair in Chicago paired with the stranger-than-fiction story of the serial killer acting behind the scenes of such a grand event was fascinating to read. History buffs will love this book!
And that's all folks :)
Happy new year!! See you all in 2019!
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