January 6, 2014

The Official Map of My Fantasy World!!

Happy 2014!! I've been taking a few days off, sorry for going AWOL! But the new year brings some amazing news--my fantasy map contest has a winner!!!

I'm too excited, I need to show you this amazing piece of art ASAP!


Isn't it RIDICULOUS?!?! 

The fantastical and magical aspects of this map made it the winner to me--I mean, those dragons, the water, those kingdom banners, the type treatment!? Phenomenal! 

The winner and superbly talented artist who drew this is named Sarah Faith Morris. In her own words, she's an "idealistic dreamer and a realistic romantic with a bad case of wanderlust." No wonder this map had so much mysticism!  

While she enjoys working in most mediums, her typical style is to sketch by hand and then edit digitally. And what a result she achieves! Every aspect of this fantasy map is so personal and unique because none of it was cookie-cutter fashioned from previously made graphic designs--and every line flows together perfectly as a result! 

Her favorite traditional mediums include pencils, oil pastels and watercolor, while her most frequented digital tools are Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. 

If you love her work (which let's be real, you'd be crazy not to!), I encourage you all to check out her deviant art profile listed under SylvaKnight, as well as her professional website for Leafless Designs!

Truly a talented woman and I feel so blessed that she deemed my little competition worthy of her time!


Now, I also wanted to show you all one more map by another truly talented artist who entered my contest all the way from Germany! Her name is Beate Kausch, and I encourage you all to spend some time checking out her deviantart profile under ShaoriDragonblood which hosts some magnificent artwork.

The dragons in her map are just magnificent!! I also particularly loved the way she drew the mountains and cliff-faces--the land has a wonderful sense of depth!

I hope that seeing my fantasy world map for the first time has gotten all of you even more excited for the release of THE SHADOW SOUL

In case you forgot, the book will be on-sale on February 20th, 2014! 


  1. Wow, the winner map looks gorgeous. A lovely style with stunning details.
    Next to it my interpretation looks quite empty^^' Added her DA profile on an instant.

    Thanks a lot for the kind words.
    I hope your new book will be a real success.

  2. Lovely blog, thanks for taking the time to share this
