November 13, 2013

Calling All Artists! Enter for a Chance to Win $50 and Publication in The Shadow Soul!!

**UPDATE: The contest is over! Click here to view the winning illustration**

The Shadow Soul has been sent to my beta readers and is in the semi-final stages of editing!!! (For more info about the book, click here). 

But, it's missing something...that one thing that all great fantasy novels should have...

A MAP!! 

The good news? I have the entire world for The Shadow Soul planned out in my head. The bad news? I couldn't draw if my life depended on it! But that's where you come in...

The Rules:
1) Using the map supplied below, create a black & white map in a hand-drawn style. 
(Examples are also below! If you prefer working digitally with a program like GIMP, I like that style too!)

2) Type in all-caps must be included in the map. All other type is just for typographical guidelines. 

3) Be sure to include your signature in the corner so you'll have credit for your work.

4) If you like embellishments, dragons play a big part in the series (especially in the later books). The flag for the Kingdom of Whylkin is a rearing black stallion on a plain red background, and the flag for the Kingdom of Ourthuro is gold latticework on a white background.  

5) Submit a final version to with the subject "Map Contest Submission" by January 1st, 2014! (You can also email any questions you have to that address)

Bonus) If you like working with color, I would love to see a color map in addition to a B/W one! 
By no means required--I would use it on my blog but not within the books!

The Prize(!!):

1) A $50 Gift Card! 
(Or PayPal payment based on personal preference) 

2) Publication in ALL e-book and print copies of The Shadow Soul, as well as the next two books in the A Dance of Dragons series! 
(So far, my Midnight Fire series has sold over 125,000 copies, so this could be a lot of exposure!)

3) A free digital copy and signed hard copy of The Shadow Soul!
(Print is for US residents) 

Agreement If You Win...

I retain the right to publish your map in all books/novellas that take place in this fantasy world -- including but not limited to the three books in my A Dance of Dragons series. You will be credited within the books. I can use this map for any marketing and promotional needs. I can adjust the map as I see fit later on (i.e. adding in more names). You may not give the map to anyone else to use, but if you have a portfolio, you can display it there. 

If you think my book looks awesome and want to make sure you know when it goes on-sale, be sure to sign up for my publication day newsletter!!
Click here:

Here's the map of my world that I need you to beautify!